I have nothing to lose in life. Because I will lose everything at some point. I’m just a temporary custodian of the atoms and energy that makes me me. And everything else I am connected to.
I will die.
I’m already on this path that will eventually lead to my death. All the attachments I have or will have I will lose and they will lose me. And so when we realise that we’ve already lost we understand that there’s nothing to lose anymore. We need to live our lives with that in mind. Nothing will remain but the memories we created, the stories we built, the relationship we made, the ideas we put forward, pretty much everything else, even physical thing is bound to disappear. Even the great pyramids will disappear given enough time. Nothing will remain forever. Everything is transient. I am transient. I am a temporary creature. I have an expiry date. Every passing day is both a blessing and a curse. We are losing time. We shouldn’t live our lives like we will live forever. We should live our lives like we are on a countdown and therefore we should not waste a second. Time is what life is made up of. So if we are lucky to live we shouldn’t waste our time. As it is limited. Which doesn’t mean either overindulging or overworking ourselves, it means enjoying our limited moments in the pursuit of something worth pursuing.
This present moment is something that is exclusive to a handful of beings if we look at our history. We are the lucky few that are living. This is our time. This is our opportunity. Yet we’ve been fooled and duped to believe anything else. We’ve been enslaved by the opportunities of a few who would rather have us believe that their interests is more important than ours. You matter just as much as the next person. And you don’t really matter. in the grand scheme of thing just as much as the next person. And so you need to seek your own enjoyment and cherish it as a treasure, and when doing so realising that the most enjoyable thing there is, is to provide something of value to others. That is the way to increase your self-worth. The more value you bring to others, the more valuable you will become. And deep inside this realisation will be evident and you will walk through life with pure confidence as you understand that you are worthy.
Help others, help yourself.
Help yourself, help others.
Enjoy yourself, enjoy others.
Enjoy others, enjoy yourself.
That’s the best way to win the game of life. That’s the only game worth playing.
So do not enslave others into your world, invite them in. Yet allow them to move freely and leave when the time has come, and push away when they abused your hospitality. They have their own lives to live. You have yours.
In a similar way,
Do not let yourself be a slave of others. Accept their invitations, yet learn to leave when the time has come. Do not dwell in a place that is no longer good for you. You have your own life to live. They have theirs.
If everything you eat is sweet you will get fat and sick.
if everything you eat is bitter you won’t enjoy life.
And so life is just but this oscillation between the bitter and the sweet.
Between The sweet illusion and bitter truth.
Between the pleasurable in the moment and the good in the long run.