Let’s imagine that it’s true that we are in a simulation. Then it might me either an experiment… or a game!
What if the old, the new testament, the Quran were true… but also the theory that we are in a simulation?
Then perhaps it really happened that god created everything there is in 6 days, it was just the initialization of the simulation game.
So it really happened that he helped Moses split the dead sea in two, it really happened that he gave the 10 commandments to Moses… And everything written in the Bible.
Maybe the christian god is the one who is playing the Christian game. Perhaps against the Muslims and the Jewish. Gods are players who can influence the game in some ways. They can do a few miracles as needed to influence the game.
What if the gods are the players of this massive simulation game and we’re all the NPCs?
We’re in a strategy/simulation game.
Like the game “Populous” where you can be a god. And perhaps the earth, is just one of a great many planets at a god’s disposal.
Since it’s a massive multiplayer game, the size of the universe, they don’t really interact with us that often, only every 700 years or so…
That would explain things really… ;-)
Or perhaps this god is the same everywhere but the human prophets don’t really understand what god is trying to say… There’s a very low signal-to-noise ratio. The message doesn’t get passed the right way. Or maybe it is creating conflicts deliberately to influence the game… To make it more exiting… Since it cannot manage the already written rules of evolution… It can influence some NPCs (us) so that they change their path. Leading to God’s ultimate goal.
The only constant in the 3 monotheists gods is that God is with the believers… Those who listen are cherished, those who don’t are punished. Maybe we should keep listening to what our “player” is doing. Maybe there are many many gods… There’s for instance the “simulation engineer”. It’s the one who coded the rules for which we all belong to. It’s the programer of the simulation… Maybe he’s not a only programmer but is among a who team who collaborated on this program… So there would be many gods. Maybe we should consider our gods the “players”. After all, they are the one playing the game. What are they trying to accomplish?
What was the whole idea behind the whole thing? How do we win the game?
Maybe if we’re in a simulation it’s true that we will either go to paradise or go to hell… That’s depending on how we play the game. But maybe it was not meant for the individual. It was meant for the collective. The game is aimed at all of humanity. We either “All” go to hell… Or ALL go to heaven. It’s a ALL win or ALL lose game. We’re in this playing together… As little soldiers of this player. He can control certain actions in the game which we don’t know yet.